Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lesson 4: Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods

     Paleolithic Period

     The earth is obviously millions of years old. In this discussion, I will talk about the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods.
     The time of the Paleolithic Period ranges from 2 million to 8,500 years B.P. I learned that it's also called the Old Stone Age from "paleos" meaning old and "lithos" or stone.

      Paleolithic people used crude stone tools during those times.  They were also nomadic and were hunter-gatherers. The women were gatherers and the men were hunters. 

Crude stone tools~

     The paleolithic people also had rituals during sacrifices. It was also during this period that humans changed and evolved from ape-like species to more complex beings. They also wrote on walls of caves. 

     Neolithic Period

      The Neolithic period is also know as the New Stone Age. The word came from "neos" meaning new and "lithos" or stone.

     There was a cultural revolution in the neolithic period and there was also development in the lifestyle of humans. People had civilizations and a more formal or settled lifestyle. They learned to tame animals at their own disposal and disadvantage. They have also learned the art of farming. 

      Of course because they are settled individuals, they had houses now.


     Their tools were also progressed. They weren't crude anymore. They were more polished and more convenient to use than the crude stone tools.

     I learned that history really is an interesting thing. We learn to correct our mistakes in studying history or simply the past. Our past shaped and is still continuing to shape us until now and until the very end of the world. It's interesting how people deny or even resent their pasts. Why should they? There should be acceptance that these things happened. We progress. And, by studying Social Studies this year, I learned that we really do learn from the past. People find ways. People make it possible to live better than this even when we think that 'this' is enough. We are yet to be proven wrong. :)

Lesson 3: The Origin of Humankind

     The origin of the earth and the origin of human kind are both very interesting and mysterious things in life. Both question our beliefs and make us apply what we have learned. 

     Well of course, Charles Darwin will never be out of the picture when it comes to Human Origin. He proposed the idea of the evolution of mankind. This very idea is contradictory to what people have believed in, in that time. People back then believed that God created them as they are. They did not evolve. God made them that way and forever shall their form stay.
TADA. A picture of Charles Darwin

     It's interesting and very mind boggling as well. Generations have tried to figure out and decipher this problem. I expect more to follow since it's a hard one to solve. 

     I've learned that evolution basically means adaptation. It is a battle of survival of the fittest. Evolution is when a species changes from a simpler to more complex organism in an attempt to achieve perfection.

      I also learned that there are actual theories about aliens!!! I didn't know that before! What if we really did come from an alien race? What if they found us? That definitely adds more drama and excitement to this topic. The theory is called Raelism.
     There was another theory that the comets from space brought life. It's called Panspermia.
      Because of that, I've begun to wonder why aliens are depicted or see as having morphed bodies like this:

.. hmmm... I also learned that I don't think I want to look like an alien. shrugs*

Lesson 2: Physical Features of the Earth

     After discussing about the different theories (Divine Theory and Scientific Theories) in the previous posts, this post will discuss about the lovely Earth itself.

    The Earth, created by God... or whatever or whomever you want to believe, is here right now and deserves our attention! Which is why I'm going to impart to you what I have learned from dear Miss Princess.

     I've learned that Earth's hemispheres have unbalanced water-land percentage. 39% land for the North Hemisphere and 19% land for the South hemisphere to be exact. See:

     I've also learned that the earth's real shape is Oblate Spheroid. It means it's kind of an oblong sort of thing with an almost flat top and an almost flat bottom.
     The earth also consists of different layers namely the core, mantle and crust. The core is the innermost layer while the mantle is the middle layer. The crust is the thin outermost layer. I'm so happy to live here at the crust. I would burn to crisps in less than a second if I were in any other layer than the crust.

     There are also imaginary lines on the map above. The horizontal ones are called Latitudes while the vertical ones are called Longitudes. 0 degree latitude is the Equator while the 0 degree longitude is the Prime Meridian.

      We also learned about continents. The world really is a nice place to live in because of it's uniqueness and variety. It's a kaleidoscope. Very beautiful and very interesting. Our world is a miracle. It's miracle is life. As we are 'life', we are the miracles and we must value our world and learn more about it and it's history.

        Lastly, the father of history and geography. I introduce:
     Cool isn't it? He's the father of both history and geography for the things he has done. He studied about the earth's geography and he also added knowledge to history.

Lesson 1: The Origin of the Earth.... Religious View

     There are SOOO many religions. It's amazing how people have come up with all these religions! I've learned that the 19 primary religions can be broken down into 270! 

     Furthermore, I now understand that Creationism or Creation science can be a collective term for all religions. I find it weird to call it 'science'. Is that normal? It's like contradictory for me to call it science. Science usually implies the idea that 'God' isn't real. Then, people call Creationism: Creation Science. It's funny... really.

     I am a Roman Catholic and I believe that : 

and that :

       I've also come across the idea of animism. This idea believes that nature is inhabited by spirits. Since nature consists of life, I believe nature is inhabited by spirits. Even trees and plants and other green leafy things are part of this big circle of life.  Small beings like insects, worms and even to big whales have spirits. Even us. We are all bodies with spirits. I've thought of my very own idea that our spirits are what connects us to God. Our spirits are the part of God that we never really lose. 

     As a human, born and raised as a Roman Catholic, I believe that there is one God. He is the one Who gives us courage, wisdom, faith and even hope. He is the One responsible for all the things that happen in our lives. 

     I've learned that humans have a different name for God, depending on their geographical location. I've learned that each religion has different beliefs, different rituals, and even different views on God and how He made the world. But, in the end, they all lead to the fact that one Supreme Being, one God has made us all and our planet called Earth. 

Lesson 1: The Origin of the Earth...Scientific view

     The Origin of the Earth really is a peculiar and curious thing. It's one of the greatest mysteries to boggle human minds. As a human, I really am interested about it as well. It's a puzzle sitting there waiting to be noticed and solved. Then, at the end, you'll find out that there was a missing piece. That would be sad, but I view the origin of the earth that way. There will always be a missing piece. There will always be a missing part of the story that keeps us on our feet... Wanting to solve more even though there isn't really anything to solve anymore. 
    People have long tried to prove how the earth started and they have failed to fully prove it countless of times. An example would be the existence of fossils. Scientists have tried to use fossils to determine earth's age. There is also the Catastrophe Theory which states that there was a series of calamities that killed a lot of living things and then there was a period of stillness which then brought the period of new creation.
      Science has also given us other theories like Nebular Hypothesis, Capture Theory, Big Bang Theory and Steady State Theory.... all of which deals mostly with forces in outer space that we can't fully explain.

     These pictures just make you want to know more... right? I've learned that I'm not the only one who sees this mystery that way. I learned that I know nothing. Science can explain everything. Well, almost everything. I still have faith that there is a God and He has given me the explanations that science can never give. This will be the basis of my next post. :)